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3 Mukhi Rudraksha is a form of all three type of fire. The wearer is blessed by Lord Agni.


The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Agni (fire). He is the three faced Rig Vedic deity who is fiery and powerful. He is addressed as Mahajwalaa and Saptajivha (The one with seven tongues). Agni Dev is the deity that manifests in the fiery heat of the sun, in the lightning strike and in households as fire for cooking. Anything that touches him is reduced to ashes.

Three Mukhi Rudraksha

SKU: 0003
  • Three Mukhi Rudraksha beads are mainly available in two varieties. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha are available in Nepal and Java Indonesian beads. They are most stronger and original or pure Rudraksha varieties. They show results faster, thus three mukhi Rudraksha price is higher then the price of Java Varieity. Rudraksha Mala beads have been worn by Sages and Yogis since ancient Vedic times for their profound spiritual significance and powerful healing properties. Usually the beads are strung together as a mala and may be used to shield negative energy.

    3 Mukhi Rudraksha is Agni Dev Rudraksha has three clear lines or Mukha evenly placed on the outer surface of the Rudraksha which makes the wearer pure, spiritual and make him attain salvation. The Agni Rudrakshas fire kills the past and present bad karmas of the wearer and makes him totally sin-free. The 3 face Rudraksha also represents Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh amalgamated in one Rudraksha. The results of wearing this Rudraksha are very astonishing. The health of the wearer especially suffering from blood diseases, cancer, bone marrow problems, fractures, dengue fever, plague, blood corpuscles, ulcers, bones, polio, genitals, all sorts of genetic problems, sexual problems in men are all cured astonishingly. The wearer of three Mukhi Rudraksha when does Homes and havans gets special benefits in terms of removal of Black magic, removing effects of evil spirits, sudden accidents and a major fire in the house and office, accidents etc. The ruling planet of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is planet Sun.

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